Why hire a professional copywriter?

Writing content can take so much time that many business owners simply don’t have. While you can write your own blog posts, it’s often a better strategy to hire a professional copywriter. Professional copywriters know how to conduct keyword research to write content that your target audience finds engaging. This process can take time away from other projects you need to focus on as a business owner. Hiring a professional writer can help you focus on other tasks while also improving the outcome of the content you create–all while saving precious time.

Hire a professional copywriter to save you time so you can focus on your business
Focus on your core business

Let’s explore how we can work together

I am ready, willing and able to partner with you on your next website content update, white paper report, case study, press release, email newsletter, or whatever copywriting projects you need to take your business to the next level.

Collaborate to determine your copywriting requirements
Partner for success

How I work

As a professional freelance copywriter, I am committed to ensuring that the copy I produce achieves your business objectives and leaves a lasting impression on your target audience. Consequently, before I even begin to write, I’ll schedule time with you to get a thorough understanding of your products, services, prospects and marketing needs. I will also conduct my own research and review any existing materials you may have. As soon as we reach agreement on the content and expected delivery date, I will begin writing and have a first draft for you to review within five business days.

Determine your needs and provide a project plan to deliver the right content
Needs analysis through consultation

Let’s get started!

Call me at +1 416-562-4566, send me an email or DM me on social media.

Errol Chambers
Digital Technology Copywriter